Producer MOTOR-LIFE - USA Technology
Office: 04-667 Warszawa, ul.Trakt Lubelski 360 A
tel.: +48 22 812 60 96 • tel./fax: +48 22 812 72 79 •
MOTOR-LIFE 9 Professional
MOTOR-LIFE Professional
MOTOR-LIFE 3 Professional
MOTOR-LIFE 6 Professional
MOTOR-LIFE 7 Professional
MOTOR-LIFE 8 Professional
MOTOR-LIFE 11 Professional
MOTOR-LIFE 10 Professional
MOTOR-LIFE 20 Professional
MOTOR-LIFE 7 PROFESSIONAL is an exceptional lubricant. Its structure contains additives improving adhesion of the lubricant to the lubricated surface, as well as an exceptional, unique formula which conditions metal on the molecular level.
The formula present in MOTOR-LIFE 7 PROFESSIONAL combines with metal on the molecular level, and conditioning it forms an extremely durable mesh – molecular bonding resistant to grinding, oxidation and corrosion.

MOTOR-LIFE 7 PROFESSIONAL operates in the most difficult atmospheric conditions, providing effective protection of the chain surface against wear. The lubricant possesses very good crawling properties. Resistant to water and other atmospheric factors.
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